About the ACA Party:
African Christian Alliance
Afrikaner Christen Alliansie
The African Christian Alliance – Afrikaner Christen Alliansie (ACA-Party) is a Christian political party founded on September 5, 2005, in Pretoria.
Our logo embodies the core values and beliefs that we uphold as an organization.
The Red Cross represents the sacrifice of Jesus Christ at the cross, which cleanses us of our sins. Similarly, many of our forefathers and their families of different races, including Whites, Coloureds, Asians, and Blacks, were forced to sacrifice their lives in the pursuit of freedom.
The White Cross symbolizes the cleansing of our sins when we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. The Ensign with the pole on the right depicts the flag of the original Crusaders who battled against Godless oppressive government.
The black background signifies that our battle is not just against flesh and blood, but against the Forces of Darkness, including the might of money, Free Masons, Broederbond, and other dark forces that drive them. It includes satanism and other known or unknown forces of darkness.
The word “ACA” in blue on the flag represents the sky, which is the faraway limit point in our growth, strength, faith, and wisdom as an organization in the hands of our God (YaHWeH). It also means God’s (YaHWeH) peace for His children.
The words “Oorwinning-Victory” on the black background represent our belief in a positive outcome over all the bad and negative things in life, with Victory in His name.
As a political party, we are committed to caring for our supporters and everyone in the community. We urge you to vote for the ACA-Party in the upcoming elections as we work towards a better future for all. Vote ACA!
ACA General Logo

ACA (IEC ballot) Logo

ACA Animated Logo