African Christian Alliance
Afrikaner Christen Alliansie
( ACA Party )

Petrus Van Der Westhuizen (Pieter)
Your National, Provincial and Local Government forĀ the Future!
With a mission to eliminate corruption.
To actively fight poverty and unemployment.
To fight the maltreatment and rape of women, children and the exclusive private residential areas, properly protected, with ONE main Basic paid Services (Water, electricity and RefuseĀ removal) where services are made available to all residents at affordable rates.
Join the ACA Party for Positive Change and a Better Future
Change is a natural part of life and adapting to new circumstances is essential for our survival. It’s never too late to change our ways and make a positive impact on the world.
As South Africans, we all have a responsibility to make a change for the better. If you feel like you’re headed in the wrong direction, it’s never too late to turn things around. Together, we can create a brighter future for ourselves and future generations.
Let’s unite as South African Christians and work towards a common goal of building a better society. By following the guidance of God, we can measure our progress and achieve great things. Remember, we’re all in this together!

Building a Better South Africa through Christian Values and Free Education
At the ACA, we stand firm in our Christian and moral values, and we are committed to never compromising on them. Our goal is to create a South Africa where every person can live a fulfilling life, free from poverty, crime, and with access to quality healthcare. We envision free education for all children up to Grade 12 or until the age of 18.
Creating a Better Future for Children Through Christian Education and Parental Rights
Every child deserves the right to a happy and healthy childhood. This includes access to education, safe recreational spaces, proper nutrition, comfortable shelter, and good health. Children thrive in environments where they can learn, play, make friends, and feel loved.
Unfortunately, there is a significant gap between middle-class and poorer schools in some areas, which can be frustrating for children. South Africa’s education system is also known for being one of the worst in the world.
As parents, we have the right to choose the religious and cultural context and language of instruction for our children. At the ACA, our goal is to provide a Christian-based education system that emphasizes a rigorous scientific curriculum taught by highly educated teachers. We also believe that parents should have a say in their children’s education.
We believe that all schools, including public and private ones, should offer high-quality education to give every child the opportunity to succeed. This includes home schooling. We also believe that sex education is the responsibility of parents, and they should have a say in the appointment of teachers. At the ACA, we are committed to providing children with the tools they need to become successful and productive citizens.

Revitalizing South Africa's Education System: ACA's Commitments and Solutions
- Concentrate on retaining skilled and experienced teachers through better compensation on the basis of merit, not quotas or political alignment, with fix school work hours.
- Prioritise access to early childhood development.
- Finance schools through State resources and focus on basic skills of reading, writing and numeracy, strengthened by school governing bodies.
- Provide free education for all learners until Grade 12 or max until the age of 18 years.
- Provide one education plan for all schools in South Africa, with the same exams for all learners at year-end.
- Ensure that examinations conform to an acceptable national and international standard.
- Ensure that school inspectors are re-instated to monitor the standard of teaching.(Audit)
- Re-open and equip training colleges and promote teaching as a profession.
- Re-instate special schools to provide education for certain types of disability. (Grade R)
- Empower educators to deal with undisciplined and disruptive children through inter alia, corporal correction.
- Introduce diversion programmes for youth at risk, taking them out of their damaging home environments and allowing them to learn valuable skills.
- Introduce dedicated remedial schools for disruptive learners.
- Remove gangsterism, weapons, drugs and alcohol from schools.